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Myofascial Release

Myofascial release is the technique that releases fascial restrictions in your body. 

Fascia is connective tissue which looks like three dimensional spider web and connecting our muscles, organs, veins, nerves and everything

inside our body.

It keeps our body in shape, absorbs impact from outside and also communicate every part of our body and restrictions in fascia could cause chronic pain and disease. 

Fascial restrictions is often caused by accident, operation and bad posture and even emotional trauma could contribute to it. 



The treatment approaches to the whole body and initial posture assessment

will be requested. 

Fascial restrictions aren't always where your symptoms manifested and the treatment follows what your body needs.

Two Dried Leaves

I apply gentle sustained pressure to your body and facilitate your fascia to release and wait it to make necessary changes. You might feel pain or subtle sensations and 

you might also feel emotional changes because fascia holds emotional memories as well as physical one and it can be released both. Awareness to your body will be the part of the treatment.  

Myofascial Release is gentle non-invasive

and yet powerful treatment. It is another

option for physical therapy for chronic condition and well-being. 

Dandelion Parachute Seed
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